Download Warcraft 2 Save Game Editor
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.
Cheat Codes for the Beta Version[edit]
While playing, press Enter, then type any of the phrases below.
Game Save File Editor
- Cash -- Lots of gold, lumber, oil and ore
- God -- God mode
- Showmap -- Map code
- Fastbuild -- Fast build
- Lumber -- Two chops to harvest lumber
- Swapmasks -- Fog of war
- Human# (1,2) -- Warp to human scenario #
- Orc# (1,2) -- Warp to orc scenario #
- Noglues -- Disable magical traps (i.e. runes, etc.)

If you run the map editor off the Warcraft II. This leaves the map editor. You will be prompted to save. Having one extra Peon at the beginning of the game. Warcraft II: Combat Edition, aka War2Combat. Map editor (available as a separate download) Version History. For Warcraft II BNE 2.02.
50k views and 100 likes! Thank you so much for your support! Fifa 14 button setup.
Free Upgrades in Shareware Version[edit]

To upgrade everything, type UPGRADE while playing.
Cheat Codes for the Commercial Version[edit]
While playing, press Enter, then type any of the phrases below.
- glittering prizes -- 10000 Gold, 5000 Lumber and Oil
- valdez -- 5000 Oil
- spycob -- 5000 Oil
- deck me out -- Upgrade everything
- every little thing she does -- Upgrade mages all the way!
- tigerlily X -- Warp to level X, where X is the level (orc12, human3, etc.)
- it is a good day to die -- God Mode
- unite the clans -- Level skip
- noglues -- Disable magical traps
- make it so -- Fast build
- hatchet -- Two chops to harvest lumber
- there can be only one -- Quick ending
- showpath -- Reveals map, not in multiplayer
- on screen -- Reveals map, works with multiplayer
- ucla -- Displays 'Go Bruins' on screen
- day -- Displays 'fief' on screen
- netprof -- Displays network performance
- fastdemo -- Demo start faster
- you pitiful worm -- Instant defeat
- never a winner -- Removes victory sequence and lets you continue playing
- allowsync -- Allows surrender in multiplayer games
- title -- Enable or disable cheat codes during multiplayer games
<p>Note: if you're playing a multi-player game these codes affect everyone.
Building Transport[edit]
Put 6 skeletons on a transport and let them run out of energy there. The next 6 things built by you or anyone else will get cloned on the transport (this includes buildings.) Then you can disembark them just like you would guys and the buildings will be instantly built. Note that they may be built on top of each other.
Cheat Without Getting Caught[edit]
If you want to use codes to beat the game, but don't like to be ranked 'cheater', you can get as far ahead in the game as you want using cheats, then save your game. Quit WarCraft II, then restart it and load your saved game.
Exploding Sheep[edit]
If you click on a sheep (or other animal) enough times it will explode. This won't do any damage to your enmies, but it is a mindless diversion.
Construct Buildings Faster[edit]
To speed up development without using a cheat code, have some of your peasants repair the building you're constructing.
Save Game Editor For Psp
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